2018 Redmond Town Celebration Movie in the Park

“Adorable, clever, and beautiful to watch. These traits do not only exist in it’s sequel, in many ways they are surpassed. Paddington 2 picks up where the first left off spreading a message of friendship and family bonds throughout but P2 blows past the first installment with a fairly exciting adventure plot that the first film din’t quite hit as hard. Hugh Grant was likely born to play this role as he steals almost every scene in which he appears making a great foil for our protagonists. He by far had the stand out performance. Paddington 2 is full of heart and joy. It’s has a few laughs, the kids will enjoy it, and it is packed with a lot of great supporting performances. In a genre where far too many kids sequels fall flat, Paddington 2 stands out among the crowd.”

Dont’t miss this fun night out with your family!